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Great War Group hold first annual conference at CWGC Head Office

We were very honoured to welcome and host the Great War Group last weekend, Saturday 23 October, for their first annual conference. In a sell-out event, guests from all over the world headed to CWGC headquarters in Maidenhead to meet, learn and chat over all things First World War.

Great War Group conference

It was a busy, informative and fun filled weekend with a packed seminar programme and two fantastic key note speakers.

The first three seminar sessions were dedicated to us and focussed on our work including Commemorations, the Special Committee's report into historical cases of Non-Commemoration and a general Q&A with members of various teams from around CWGC. Other seminar sessions delivered by Great War Group trustees and guest speakers covered a wide range of topics including Bullecourt 1917, British on Chemin des Dames, California in the Great War, The Italian Front, Logistics and the Seige of Kut.

The afternoon saw historian Peter Hart deliver an informative speech about Field Marshal Douglas Haig, discussing whether he was entitled to be remembered as Britain's greatest ever Commander-In-Chief. The finale of the day was a presentation given by Simon Vergdegem who had the crowd spellbound with his work around mapping and recovering the missing.

Great War Group at Maidenhead Town Centre war memorial

To wind up the conference on Sunday delegates attended a service of Remembrance at Maidenhead Town Centre war memorial where both ourselves and Great War Group laid wreaths.

Learn more about the Great War Group