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Private John Downs 5976, 9th Bn., Australian Infantry, A.I.F. - 'Bullecourt'
First World War Army Australian
By G.Downs

United Kingdom

Private John Downs
View record on CWGC
John Downs (copyright unknown)
'Scotsman Fighting For OZ...'

Here is my great uncle who emigrated from Scotland to Australia and enlisted in the AIF to serve his Country. En-route to France they stopped In Britain before being posted to France, John visited old friends in Scotland when on leave and married his long term ex-girlfriend who was a school teacher in Wishaw, whilst on leave.

John fought in France and was killed on 7th May 1917 at Bullecourt.

Now this part is true - when me and my partner at that time visited Bullecourt and we laid flowers in a field, we were walking back along the road to the village something hit me on my calf she said what was that..? I said, 'a stone hit me'...and looked down and it wasn't a was copper with grooves on it about 20mm x 10mm. I'll let you guess what that was.

Well, many months later, I did more research about Bullecourt and location of where John was killed and - Guess what..! He was killed about 100 yards from where I was struck on my leg.

Believe it or not, that is God's Honest Truth. I visited that spot 100 years to the hour of John's death and set off fireworks at 1am to commemorate his passing.

I hope you enjoyed this true story. Best Regards