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Sergeant Thomas Edwin Jones, 563978, RAF, 99 Squadron
Second World War Air Force United Kingdom
By Helen Reeves

United Kingdom

Sergeant Thomas Edwin Jones
View record on CWGC
Wellington Pilot - Died over Germany

563978 Sgt Pilot T E Jones born at Fieldgroves, Durweston, Dorset on 20 August 1912. His father, Thomas Jones was gamekeeper to Lord Portman so they lived out in the woods. They moved with the Portman family to Sussex where Ted went to Primary School at Buxted and then on to Lewes Grammar School. In the late 20s the family moved back to Somerset.

Ted joined the RAF at the age of 17 years and 15 days in 1932 and was part of the 20th intake at Trenchard's Halton from where he went on to train as an airman pilot after having been a metal rigger.

He was posted to a number of different places including Bermuda from 1935-36.

On 4th October 1939, Ted married Mary Elizabeth Wyatt at the Register Office, Newmarket where he was at that time stationed, The witnesses were two of his RAF colleagues.

On 14th December 1939, at 11.43 twelve aircraft were sent to hunt German ships in the North Sea. At 14.25 two submarines were spotted at the same time smaller ships were spotted and they started firing at the aircraft who then turned away after two large warships also started firing.

As our planes approached Wangerooge two formations of German aircraft approached and there began a running battle. Five of the six bombers that made it home did so with much damage.

Ted's Wellington had another Wellington crash down on to it and all personnel were killed. Flt Sgt W H Downey was the skipper of Ted's plane, and was also a witness at his wedding just two months previously.

Sergeant Thomas Edwin Jones (copyright unknown).