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Tangier (Rabat Road) Jewish Cemetery

  • Country Morocco
  • Total identified casualties 1 Find these casualties
  • Identified casualties from Second World War
  • GPS Coordinates Latitude: 35.76263, Longitude: -5.81966

Location information

The Cemetery, which is surrounded by a wall, is situated on the right of the old road to Rabat. To locate the Commission grave one has to walk up to the end of the main alley starting from the main gate, then turn left and walk a further 25 metres. To the right there is a path and approximately 32 metres down which is the sarcophacus type of tomb of Constable Attias.

Visiting information

Opening times:

Daily 9.00am to 5.00pm. The Arabic only speaking careaker lives onsite. Visitors are requested to knock on the door for access as it is kept locked at all times.

For further information and enquiries please contact

History information

This civil cemetery contains one Commonwealth burial of the Second World War.