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Kaduna Memorial

  • Country Nigeria
  • Total identified casualties 86 Find these casualties
  • Identified casualties from Second World War
  • GPS Coordinates Latitude: 10.53533, Longitude: 7.45457

Location information

The Kaduna Memorial is sited on the northern side of the approach road, and immediately in front of the entrance, to the Kaduna Military Cemetery, situated at the eastern end of Waff Road, close to the Civil Cemetery. The Memorial takes the form of an obelisk, and around the base are four panels bearing the names of 86 West African soldiers of the 1939-1945 War, who, although many of their graves could not be located or identified after the war, are believed to be buried in the Kaduna African Christian Cemetery. Beneath a sunken Cross on the face of the memorial is the dedicatory inscription: THE SOLDIERS OF WEST AFRICA COMMEMORATED HERE DIED IN THE SERVICE OF THEIR HOMELAND AND LIE BURIED ELSEWHERE IN KADUNA