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Fieldwork continues in Kenya for Non-Commemorations Programme

CWGC has begun preparations to enable the professional support the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) and Royal Engineers from the British Army Training Unit Kenya (BATUK) will be providing to the Non-Commemoration Programme in Kenya.

Research scientist and good friend of the programme – NMK’s Dr Emmanuel Ndiema – is pictured here beginning a drone-based survey. Trials have begun with the use of non-invasive survey techniques at selected sites in Kenya. In August, our collaborative team began a drone-based survey of Voi Cemetery and nearby locations.

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) equipment will then be used to survey target areas and help CWGC’s field research team in Kenya understand how this technology might aid our ability to identify First World War burial sites in the country.

Tags Non-Commemoration Kenya Non-Commemoration Report