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Hollybrook Cemetery - War Graves Week Open Day

Hollybrook Cemetery and Memorial general view

Field Marshal Kitchener, the men of the South African Native Labour Corps and those of the Indian Army. These are all casualties that are commemorated at Hollybrook Cemetery whose extraordinary stories will be told during a Free War Graves Week Tour of the First World War CWGC plot. You will also discover how the CWGC, an organisation that cares for 1.7 million world war casualties in 150 countries across the world, looks after sites such as Hollybrook by speaking with our works team and observing a live stone engraving demonstration in action. This is not an opportunity to be missed, all ages are welcome.

Please Note:

Tours will begin at Hollybrook Memorial which can be found to right hand side of the main entrance when you arrive. 90min free parking is available within the cemetery. Although the tour will stick to paths, the ground is quite uneven in places. Please come dressed appropriately for the weather and wear suitable shoes. There are no toilet facilities on site.

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